family portrait

family portrait

It's only just the beginning....

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Life and Times of Blakeley's hair

Blakeley was born with a full head of dark brown hair

After a few weeks, it started falling out...and everyone said, "She looks just like her dadd!" (hm...I wonder what they mean) ;)

We had to use headbands to put bows on her head because there wasn't enough hair to attach the bows to! :)

Finally, around 9 months she had just enough to attach a bow...but just barely.

At 11 months, we could wear a bow no problem!

And mommy is especially happy now at 13 months, we can wear PIGTAILS!!!

1 comment:

  1. that last picture is just about the cutest thing i've ever seen!!!!!!!!
    and you'll be shocked 6 months from now hen you look back at these pictures and she has SO much more hair!
