family portrait

family portrait

It's only just the beginning....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

My baby girl is a BIG two year old today! I can't even believe it! On June 16, 2012 at 6:28 p.m., Blakeley Grace Johnson entered our world at 6 lb. 12 oz.
When I first had Blakeley, I would never dream of showing pictures or videos of what I looked like after I delivered because I looked ROUGH! I was in active labor for over 8 hours, and her delivery wasn't exactly easy, though thankfully no complications.  We werer super close to having to have a C-section because my sweet little girl just didn't seem to want to go anywhere.  But I was determined to not let that happen! I had worked too hard (and I've never had a surgery before - knock on wood - and didn't want the delivery of my child to be the first).

In general, Blakeley was an easy baby.  Though I had NO CLUE what I was doing at times, compared to other mommy stories I've heard, Blakeley was a breeze.  However, it did take some time to get her to sleep more than 3-4 hours.  I about cried the night I realized that I slept for 6 hours without hearing a cry.  One reason, was I was worried I was so exhausted that I just didn't hear her, and then later realized that she was finally not need to eat so much!  Another reason was I had never been so thankful to sleep that long!

Now, I've got a sweet, energetic, loving, tender-hearted TWO year old!  She has got her Mommy and Daddy wrapped tightly around her finger. 

Blakeley Grace - you love to run, laugh, sing, SHOUT, dance, splash in the water, to be chased and tickled, go on walks, The Wiggles, Little Einsteins (Annie), and to push your baby in the stroller. You love to eat fruit, nutrigrain bars (bar), jelly beans (j-bees), chips (tips), cookies, and fruit snacks (snacks).  You now go to sleep very well, and only wake up randomly if you can't find your paci or Hop Hop in the night.  You generally sleep from 7:30-7:00 every night, take a nap from 12:00-2:00, and you always wake up talking and singing!

Your daddy and I know you are going to be a WONDERFUL big sister to Mattie Kate! We love you so much! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

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