family portrait

family portrait

It's only just the beginning....

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fun times with family

Justin, Blakeley, Nana and I were able to go to Pine Mountain to see my grandmother, Ma (aka Montie to all the Great-Grandchildren - and no, I don't know why).
When we first arrived at Ma's house, Blakeley wanted to explore outside. Nana was more than willing to follow this little one around. And I was more than willing to follow with my camera! ;)

Ma has lived in the same house for over 40 years, so needless to say, my family and I spent a lot of time here growing up! I have a lot of wonderful memories exploring around her house, and helping in her vegetable garden. Ma has a decent sized yard, but I always thought it was so much larger when I was younger !
Blakeley had a ball running around on such a beautiful day!

Someone needs to tell her that running with your eyes covered up makes things difficult and dangerous....
After Blakeley was done running around, we went for a late lunch to the Country Store on Pine Mountain. Then we walked across the street to take a picture in front of the wonderful view!
She is soo cool!
The whole point of the visit, (besides getting to see Ma) was to take Blakeley to Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens. We were hoping that she would enjoy the lights, and definitely running around on the field in front of the beach!

We first went to the Christmas Village to see all the decorations. We were happy to see Frosty, Gingerbread Man, and a Penguin. Blakeley really liked walking up to them and saying Hi, even if that meant she was in another child's picture.
She was not excited to get real close to them in our own picture.
She preferred to keep a safe distance at all times.
For the grande finale, we went on the trolley to see the lights! We had to bundle up and snuggle close to stay warm!
And like many 18 month olds, she wanted down...
Then up....
Then up......

It was a crazy, fun, and TIRING day trip!! Spending the whole day away from home is hard work!
And don't ask me why, but Ma was not in any of the pictures....she was totally there the whole time! (It might be that Blakeley isn't so sure of Ma still...which is more reason that I need to take her to see her more!)

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