family portrait

family portrait

It's only just the beginning....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who's with me??

As many of you know, over the summer I started Weight Watchers. I had hit a point in my life where I was beyond just unhappy with my body. I had become so insecure and depressed about how I looked that it was affecting every aspect of my life. That was when I knew that I could join Weight Watchers and actually be successful - and I WAS! Over about a 12 week period I lost 10 lbs! (My goal was 20 lbs, but then school started back and it has been a whirlwind ever since!) I knew that I couldn't rush the weight loss, that if I was going to keep it off I had to be as healthy as possible about it. I became obsessed with tracking my food and weight. I would eat as healthy as possible (lots of fruits and veggies) so that I could have a treat (which was usually a COKE!) every day. Though, I am pretty proud that overall, I have made the switch to Cherry Coke Zero. All of these changes has helped me to keep the 10 lbs off ever to this day (and maybe some stomach issues that I was having! eek!)

Any way, I do feel much better about myself, but I am still not where I want to be. I found this on pinterest today, and I think I am going to try it. It won't take too much time, and for me, working out is the key to any weight loss.

So who is with me??? I would love if I could actually have some arm muscles ( but Lord knows, I am a Cozart and I don't need to work on my calf muscles! HA!) I am honestly interested in what changes I would see in a week...a month???

And just a side note - I am not sure what a sumo squat is, but I will find out from my hubby!

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