Blakeley Grace is 18 months old! I can't believe how much she has already changed since she turned 1! Here are some things that you are currently up to:
You have been steadily increasing your number of words you can say, and can repeat many words we say as well! So far your vocabulary consists of Mama, Dadda, Buddy (Bubbie), Mimzy (Mimmie), Baby, Bye, Love you (ooooo), No, Ya, Thank you (Day-doo), Uh-oh, Oh-No (one of our faves to make you say), and a whole bunch of other gibberish we can't understand just yet.
You are sensitive (like Mommy) and cry super hard when your feelings are hurt.
You have a pretty good appetite, and you eat a decent variety of foods.
You LOVE day care, especially your teachers Mrs. Katie and Mrs. Alisha! (I like to think that you are a favorite there!)
Every day, your daddy and I are amazed that we continue to love you more and more. We love talking about your personality that has started to show, and we especially love to talk about just how STINKIN' GORGEOUS you are! (like seriously - you are beautiful!)
You went through a phase of being sick and not sleeping well. But thankfully that is over (and actually you stopped that the day you turned 18 months!) You are now back to normal and you go right to sleep after we read our "Night Night" stories.
You also went through a phase where Mommy was your absolute favorite, and you wouldn't give Daddy the time of day. Luckily, that is over and you are back to loving daddy! He loves you so much, and I am totally fine if you are a Daddy's Girl! :)
You also love to sing. Your sweet voice MUST be what heaven sounds like! :)
And of course, you love to dance too! Your dancing consists of spinning in circle, marching, and swinging your arms. Your favorite songs to dance to are "The hot dog" song from Mickey Mouse Playhouse, and "The Big Bang Theory" theme song. ;)
I wanted to share some pics of Blakeley at Thanksgiving, (1) because I wasn't able to post at Thanksgiving, and (2) because it was only a few weeks before she turned 18 months, and (3) they are just fantastic pictures! :)
Baby Girl - you are an answered prayer, my dream come true, and I love you sooooo much!! You have made my heart so happy!
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